Welcome To The world passion project
We are off to Change the World!
We are a group of service minded individuals who wake up everyday with stars in our eyes and dreams in our hearts... about making this world
a better place to live for all! We are passionate and compassionate... we want to help change the future of our children's possibilities by offering them music, dance, art, philosophy
and "natural arts".. ie. yoga, massage, nutrition, gardening, compassion, tolerance, connectivity and communication. We would also like to help the homeless by offering
drumming, nutrition, bikes, warm blankets and smiles. We would like to help uplift the Community of our Elders... the wise ones who deserve to have dignity- engagement
and respect! We would like to educate the world at large about minerals and nutrition... and the principle that we all have the ability to heal ourselves through a mind- body
connected consciousness. We have dreams about helping to shine the spot light on projects worldwide... that we have yet to imagine or envision... that some other
passionate soul has boldly launched. We would like to set this world on fire with love and music and compassionate acts. We were born to do this work... and we believe that
there are many others out there... young and old... with visions of passionate acts dancing in their heads and hearts!
We are all connected!
Join us... we are off to Change the World... one passionate act at a time!
Conscious kids Fall 2018 exploration & Adventures
Teaching your child to be the change you wish to see in this world!
our mission
to bring forth personal betterment and change by educating individuals with the arts and wellness through social activism, experiential collaboration and individual thinking while being aware of and responding to one's surroundings.
Conscious Kids Fall 2018 Class Schedule
Explorations & Adventures